The DoReMigas student-led a cappella ensemble represented SLHS beautifully today at Reston Town Center!
DoReMigas represented SLHS with pride at Reston Town Center today! #studentledacappella #restonholidayparade #nationalanthem
This Thanksgiving week, we're thankful for a day to gather at Reston Community Center with chorus students in 6th thru 12th grades to enjoy a day of singing and choral community! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! #Schooldayworkshop #Restonsings
Wednesday night's chorus banquet!
Spring Chorus Concert! 5/23 at 7 PM. Free to the Public!
Chorus Concert! 7 PM, 5/23, Free!
Broadway Night Audition Workshop about to begin! There are no seats left in the room. Here we go!
Broadway Night Audition Promo video is in the works! Here's a cute clip from some students in Select Treble.
Last week's Fall Chorus Concert was beautiful, and it was so much fun to invite Langston Hughes middle school students to join us on stage for our finale! "We'll sing with all our souls, we'll sing with all our hearts...We're just getting started!"
Chorus kids have the karaoke spirit! Happy Homecoming!
It’s gonna be RAD! Get your ticket!
Broadway Night Mixtape Promo
Broadway Night Mixtape - Professional Livestream Feb 5 at 7PM
This promo was made by one of our volunteers Lana Obradovic Marthinsen and her son. We are grateful to all of our parent volunteers who have been working tirelessly to make Broadway Night happen. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!