The NNF Festival programme has just been launched and, as ever, NO comedy in the line up. Oh, well. It's not an art form anyway, is it?
ANYWAY despite all that, there IS comedy available to you in Norfolk this Summer. And it's the return of The Nimmos in "Holt? We Went There'"; a rerun of last year's "Holt? Who Goes There?", minus the stuff that time has rendered non-topical, BUT with new gear in preparation for our next show: "If You Tolerate Diss, Your Children Will be Next". Myself and Owen had a ball doing it last Summer and I'm hard at work on some new bits and pieces. We'd love you to rock up, so tickets are available to you: THE GENERAL PUBLIC, on Feb 24th.
(Friends of the Theatre Royal, Corporate Members, Wing Commanders, Witchfinder Generals, Procurator Fiscals and people who wear red trousers have been snapping them up since the 20th. I don't make the rules. Society is unfair, I know. You want a revolution, get off your backsides and make some Molotov Cocktails)
(There's shedloads of tickets left, don't worry)
That is all. Stand down. Karl.###